Interesting to say the least.
It has elements of Snake and Pacman which are always greatly appreciated and with some refinement, this can become an excellent game. First off I'll say that it is certainly not worthy of the sub 2.0 score it has been handed for while it's at this point unpolished, it has great potential.
First of all, you have food spawning in strange places that sometimes results in lives being unnecessarily lost. While playing I found myself to be losing lives for no reason as a result of food spawning IN the playing field as opposed to outside the boundries.
Secondly, there should be some way of controlling what colour your 'pacman' is. I don't know if you've ever played 'Angry Faic' but it relies on the same colour coordnation mechanic but it assigns different colours to the ASDF row on the keyboard so you can always be in a position to score. The random element while providing a degree of unpredictability does result in 'gotcha's' when your colour cycles at an inopportune time.
Thirdly, please change that music. While keeping below 1MB is admirable for us low-bandwidth users, you can certainly afford to make this a bigger file with a better loop. Elaborate breakbeats or some heavy metal would serve this game nicely.
And lastly, the cycling gradient background is disorienting, especially when trying to coordnate your colours and your food.
If this were to be resubmitted as a 1.5 with this in mind, it would definely be warranting an exemplary score.